Mucking out and clearing out means getting rid of ballast. This can be wonderfully liberating. When you dispose of things that you no longer need, you not only create space but also order and clarity. This order is also carried over to your life and with it your well-being.
Before you start mucking out, ask yourself a few questions and establish a few rules. In this way, you will reach your destination safely and on time, and you will be able to enjoy your work at the end.
Goal Behind Mucking Out
Before you start clearing and mucking out, you should set yourself a goal. What exactly should be cleaned up and what should the end result look like?
Set a time limit for yourself!
Determine when you want to start and how long you will give yourself to do it. Organize yourself to reserve the day for it. Write the appointment in the calendar and underline it in bold!
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Prepare yourself!
Prepare a few boxes, moving boxes, and rubbish bags. Determine which boxes are intended for what: disposal, giving away, flea market, repairing, in the basement or on the screed. Also, provide small baskets and containers that you can use for better organization in your closets and drawers.
What to do with all that stuff?
Not everything that you no longer put in the closet ends up in the trash or should be disposed of. Think carefully about whether you could give some of it to someone else, sell it at the flea market or on an Internet auction platform, or donate it to a good cause. Some objects that you cannot or do not want to part with may end up well packed and written on in the basement or on the screed.
Start with small projects
You don’t have to whip up the whole apartment right away. Start with small projects: a bookcase, the wardrobe or a bathroom cabinet. Then expand the area further to the whole bathroom, the kitchen, the children’s room. If you basically have trouble with mucking out, sometimes a drawer is enough to start with, in which the mess has been bothering you for a long time. You will be amazed how much joy just a tidy drawer can be.
Tidying up in a structured way – unit by unit
The danger is high that you start somewhere and then get bogged down. At the end of the day the whole apartment is covered up, but nothing really tidied up. Do one lesson at a time and don’t be distracted. For example, clear out a certain cupboard completely, decide what needs to go, clean it and then put it back in a sensible and tidy manner. Stick with it until you are completely done and only then move on to the next unit.
What can / must go?
Establish a meaningful and applicable rule of thumb for yourself. For example, everything that you haven’t used in over a year or that you didn’t even know you owned can go away. Also ask yourself whether you will ever need the item again, whether you have several copies or whether it is defective and needs to be repaired or replaced. If you find it difficult to let go, ask yourself why you are so attached to it and decide as rationally as possible. Don’t let lazy excuses prevail.
Get support!
If you are struggling with mucking out and find it difficult to separate yourself from useless and superfluous ballast, get help. Ask a friend or relative who is good at clearing out for help by asking the right questions if they have a breakup problem: Why exactly do you want to keep this thing? Isn’t it enough just to have one of them? Did you ever wear this
Everything gets its place
Think about where an object should logically be in your household. If all things have a fixed place, they can be stored there again after use. This way you keep things tidy and don’t have to keep tidying up.
Reward yourself!
Set a reward for yourself. This will help you to motivate yourself and to stay tuned until you are done.