Itching is an irritating sensation that can be caused by allergies, insect bites, and diseases. Fortunately, many natural remedies can relieve it without damaging the skin. Discover natural remedies to relieve itching.
Anyone who suffers from hives or another itchy skin disease inevitably deals with the question: What can be done against itching, how do I escape this vicious circle of itching and scratching?
The following two strategies in particular help those affected:
Medical treatment:
If the cause of the pruritus is unclear, a clarification by a dermatologist is recommended. Once the diagnosis has been made, the underlying disease (such as hives) can be treated successfully – this usually also reduces the itching.
Your own behavior:
Certain behaviors and home remedies relieve itching, effectively counteract the craving for scratching – and thus help to alleviate an acute flare-up of pruritus.
What to do against itching: Cool itchy skin
Anyone who cools the stressed skin calms it down and relieves itching. For example:
- Cooling lotions, creams, or ointments
- Cooling, moist compresses – for example with cold black tea
- Short cold showers
- Airy and breathable clothing and bed linen
- low-temperature living rooms
- Cooling elements or ice – whereby the skin must be protected from frostbite
Important: In the case of cold urticaria or aquagenic urticaria, cooling may have to be dispensed with. Because with these inducible forms of hives, cold and moisture can trigger new attacks.
What to do against itching: Wash and clean
During body care and cleaning, the skin comes into contact with water and soaps – please note:
- Hot water stresses the skin and increases itching on the body – therefore only use cool to lukewarm water and do not keep the skin moist for too long.
- Always use moisturizing, alcohol-free cleaning agents, and hygiene products.
- Wear gloves when cleaning with soaps and alkalis.
- Wash clothes with detergents for sensitive skin.
Important: The care products used should always suit the respective skin type, have an additional cooling effect if possible, and do without perfume and other possibly irritating ingredients.
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Skin Itching at Night
Itchy skin at night can really damage your skin and it can be very nasty for your good night sleep. The most common causes of itching are insect bites and allergies. However, it can also be caused by food intolerance, fungal infections, kidney disease, contact with chemicals, and other factors.
Itching especially at night time can be triggered by your bed sheets. How well you are washing your bedsheets and what sort of fabric you are getting. It can be for a number of reasons:
Allergic to Bed sheets
Sometimes our skin isn’t just friendly of having bed sheets around ourselves. The fabric part comes later.
Itchy Bed Sheets
Obviously, the bed sheets you are sleeping on, matter a lot, Having dirty sheets and blankets can cause skin itching all night, also you can get rash from bed sheets.
5 Natural Remedies to Relieve Itching
If your skin is itchy, it is important not to scratch your nails. This method can provide temporary relief, but sometimes it prolongs the duration of symptoms or damages the skin. So, how to relieve itching?
You should first consult with your doctor to evaluate the possible causes of the itching. Medical professionals have the power to determine whether it is an allergy or an underlying symptom of another disease. The doctor then prescribes the most appropriate treatment.
But at the same time, you can try natural remedies that control the skin’s pH and relieve discomfort. Below we’ll be sharing 5 great natural remedies to relieve itching, so whenever you’re struggling with this annoying symptom, don’t hesitate to give it a try!
Itching is an irritating, annoying feeling that can be accompanied by dryness, redness, and inflammation, among other symptoms.
Current topical products act almost instantly, speeding up remission. However, you can also use some of the natural remedies that are discussed below.
1) Colloidal Oatmeal
Colloidal oatmeal is not the typical oatmeal people eat for breakfast. This product consists of oatmeal ground into a very fine powder for use in naturopaths, soaps, body creams, etc. A 2021 study found that colloidal oatmeal can help combat itching and reduce dry skin conditions.
How to use
- First, you can find this product in pharmacies or certain cosmetic stores.
- After you buy the product, place it in the bathtub and leave it submerged for 20 minutes.
- This natural remedy is enough to soothe the itch. However, if symptoms persist, it can be repeated twice a day.
2) Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, famous for its use on the skin, contains soothing properties that significantly reduce itching. Likewise, it deeply hydrates the tissue and controls symptoms such as redness, peeling, and burning sensations.
How to use
- First, extract enough aloe vera gel.
- Then rub the gel over the affected area.
- Repeat twice a day until symptoms subside.
3) Basil
The eugenol present in basil leaves was used in ancient medicine due to its soothing properties.
The plant is popular for culinary uses, but it also has interesting uses in natural medicine. Basil contains a compound called eugenol, which helps reduce irritation and relieve itching.
How to use
- First, add 2 tablespoons of dried basil leaves to a pot of water.
- Boil for 5 minutes on low heat.
- Then leave it on until it’s warm or cool.
- Finally, use a cotton pad to rub this water over the itchy area.
- Repeat 3 times a day if necessary.
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4) Apple Cider Vinegar
For hundreds of years, apple cider vinegar has helped accelerate the relief of many skin problems. With acetic acid and antioxidant compounds, this vinegar regulates pH levels and minimizes tingling and burning discomfort.
In fact, when the itch is caused by a tingling or burning sensation, this is one of the best solutions. This is because apple cider vinegar reduces inflammation and provides quick relief. It is also a natural disinfectant that reduces the risk of infection when the skin is damaged by scratching.
How to use
- First, mix equal parts organic apple cider vinegar and water.
- Then, wet a cotton ball in this liquid and apply it to the affected area.
- If you wish, you can also pour vinegar into the bath water and bathe for 20 minutes.
- Repeat treatment if deemed necessary.
5) Witch-Hazel
Witch hazel has a powerful soothing effect on itchy skin.
In fact, witch hazel contains substances known as tannins and acts as an astringent when applied topically. Because of this, a witch hazel lotion or cream can relieve itching and minimize irritation and redness.
How to use
- You can buy witch hazel at a drugstore or boil your own dried witch hazel in water.
- Then rub the product on the affected area and leave it unrinsed.
- If symptoms persist, repeat twice a day.
Do you scratch your skin when it itches? Let’s not do that from now on! Instead, try some natural remedies to relieve itching, as outlined in this article.