When you buy a house or move house, one of the first things you pay attention to is the kitchen and bathroom, because these are often the largest cost items to replace. Today we are going to talk about kitchens. We have gained kitchen inspiration for this.
Country kitchens
When I type “kitchen” on Pinterest, you quickly see THE trends in the kitchen area. What do I see there? You can see the country style, with large living kitchens with a bar with stools so that people can sit comfortably when someone is cooking, or where schoolwork or work can be done. In rural kitchens, a lot of wood is used, combined with a concrete kitchen top. With a large sink and a striking tap. But a country style can also be recognized by the details such as the handles and the light colors.
Industrial kitchens
You also see many industrial kitchens in which many dark colors are used, such as black, anthracite combined with white. You also often see raw wood in it, and large lamps or lamps that hang from a cord. Personally, I think this is the coolest. I really like the industrial style. You often also see walls that look very old, as in an old loft.
High gloss kitchens
If you want to go for sleek, a high-gloss kitchen could be something for you! High-gloss kitchens come in multiple colors, but most people go for natural tones. What is often a difficult choice for people is whether or not to use handles. I think a disadvantage of a high-gloss kitchen is that you can see everything on it, but I think our white kitchen, for example, looks very sleek and light.
Outdoor Kitchens
Something you see more and more is outdoor kitchens, this has come over from the US in recent years. You quickly think of large barbecues, fireplaces, with scaffolding wooden benches and tables under a large canopy. A real place to spend the summer as a family, for a nice breakfast in the sun, a delicious lunch, or a big dinner with friends.
A beautiful and clean kitchen increases the value of your home. We have created a list of the top 23 kitchen design ideas to make your home beautiful and well decorated.